Easter Photo Scavenger Hunt
Are you looking for an alternative to an Easter Egg Hunt? Something that can bring the whole family together?
ReFocus Ministry is currently offering a FREE downloadable Easter Photo Scavenger Hunt. This family-friendly alternative to an Easter Egg Hunt engages the whole family in the story of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Plus, it lets them capture their memories in seven family photographs so they can relive the story for years to come.

The Greatest Commandment: Love God, Love Others
Love your neighbor. James calls this the “royal law of Scripture” and it is a great starting point for families to begin to share the love of Christ in their own neighborhood.
Offer families this packet which includes a Neighborhood Map and 4 Action Steps that will help them to 1. Get to Know their neighbors, 2. Pray for their neighbors, 3. Welcome their neighbors, and 4. Serve their neighbors. .

Family Prayer Bucket Lists
Gather the family together for a Spring Bucket List Challenge: Complete all the activities before fall kicks the bucket! Together you’ll find new ways to pray as a family and have a lot of fun along the way.
HINT: You can make this activity even more fun by supplying a bucket, some of the materials mentioned in the activities (such as a candle, stuff for S’mores, construction paper, etc.), and a printed copy of this challenge.
Is it FALL where you live?
ReFocus is so grateful to have ministry partners around the globe, so if you are getting ready to enter Spring, not Fall, email christina@refocusministry.org for a Spring version