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We were made to connect. So,what's keeping us apart?

Christina Headshot Framed


Hello and welcome to ReFocus Ministry.  I am excited that you are here, whether you came looking for something in particular or you just stumbled across us in your Google search, I hope that you find our space to be a place of welcome, of encouragement, and of connection. 
The mission of ReFocus Ministry is to connect generations at church and at home. We provide information, resources and support necessary to facilitate that connection in your faith community.


Vacation Bible School is often one of the highlights of the church year. It’s fun! It’s loud! It’s got snacks! But over the years, more and more churches have been wondering, “Has VBS run its course? Is it effective? Are we reaching our community?”
Let’s imagine a different kind of VBS.
Imagine the entire family moving through a faith experience together; playing games, building crafts, maybe even a short parent training on faith formation at home… all happening at one of your cherished church events – VBS!!
Now imagine a tool that helps make it all possible.

Our Services

Through individualized coaching, group cohorts, seminars, workshops, and our Connecting Generations Ministry Assessment, ReFocus seeks to help you identify the bridges and barriers to intergenerational ministry in your church and give you the tools you need to create a culture of generational discipleship and faith formation.

Generational discipleship calls us to bridge the gap between generations and grow as a community that worships, serves, and learns together.

Give the Gift of Connection

50 Churches | 5 Generations | 1 Community

What Churches Are Saying

This survey allowed me to review how the church needs to break down the barriers and all multi-generational relationship to happen. We did ourselves a disservice by dividing out the generations. We missed opportunities to naturally develop relationships that lead to discipleship and mentorship.

Lutheran Church


The survey was well-packaged which made it feel like more work that it actually was. Once I got into the process, it was really simple. It was comprehensive in looking at the whole church. We discovered that overall, we are heavily targeted towards adults and age segregation in our programming.

United Methodist Church

New Jersey

Overall, I really liked this assessment. Very comprehensive. The descriptions taken from societal norms was helpful. It’s a good tool to think about spaces for generations to connect.

United Methodist Church

North Carolina

Our training with Christina was wonderful and I look forward to putting my gained knowledge to work at my church with my families. I feel that I came away with so much to consider and pray about things that might have seemed undoable in the past. I learned that family ministry isn’t cookie cutter, but it is worth the work!

United Methodist Church


I am so grateful for Christina meeting with our pastoral staff to talk about generational discipleship. As a senior pastor, I haven’t left a meeting feeling this energized and hopeful in a long time!

Presbyterian Church


Our Pastoral staff has had a number of ZOOM sessions with Christina as we attempted to enhance and enlarge our Intergenerational Discipleship ministry. Her insight into this facet of ministry has illuminated our thinking and her experience in this realm of ministry has wisely guided us as we formulated a structure and plan of implementation for our own local ministry both within the congregation and reaching into the community for God’s glory. Christina has enabled us to view our congregation from a different perspective that has served to help us embrace all age groupings and to purposefully become more inclusive in our disciple-making endeavors

Brethren Christ Church


The four constructs were good; I’d never thought about the spatial/architectural constructs before. It’s given me a basis to look at things especially when planning something new.

Presbyterian Church

Our church used a midweek service that was a Bible study open to anyone. All people come together in a large group and then go to smaller community groups throughout the building. The original plan to was to group people by age but since we completed the survey, we have moved to a more intergenerational model

Nondenominational Church


Ready to begin? Get a FREE 30 Minute Coaching Session!

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We're made for connection. What is keeping us apart?

Take the Connect Generations Assessment and identify the bridges and barriers to discipleship in your church