Christina Embree considered by many to be a leading voice in the areas of intergenerational ministry and generational discipleship. Her interactive approach to discussing topics of community, connection, and multigenerational relationships engages ministers and parents/caregivers alike. Her speaking opportunities have taken her across the country and globe both in-person and virtually in various platforms from large international conferences to small local communities.

Your ReFocus coaching experience begins with a FREE 30-Minute Initial Coaching Call and ends with a congregation connected to one another and their community like never before. Together, you and/or your team will discover the generations in your church, identify the bridges and barriers to intergenerational interaction, and create an action plan to grow your community.
“Our Pastoral staff has had a number of ZOOM sessions with Christina as we attempted to enhance and enlarge our Intergenerational Discipleship ministry. Her insight into this facet of ministry has illuminated our thinking and… guided us as we formulated a structure and plan of implementation for our own local ministry both within the congregation and reaching into the community” – Associate Pastor, Ohio

Included in Coaching Cohort Package
- Twelve weekly trainings/Zoom calls with Christina.
- Choice of 1 webinar with resources for church/congregation (for use within one year of cohort start).
- One year of monthly, 30-minute, one-on-one coaching conversations.
- Access to private Facebook group for cohort members only.
- Lifetime 10% discount on all ReFocus seminars, workshops, webinars, and/or coaching packages.
ReFocus Ministry Cohort
12 Week Program (3 months)
ReFocus Ministry Cohorts provide ministry leaders with the opportunity to expand their leadership skills in a twelve-week shared learning experience. Facilitated by Christina, a cohort group of 4-6 individuals from multiple faith organizations meet weekly to explore and apply the principles of leadership in generational discipleship, intergenerational ministry, and church culture transition.
Limited to 10 people – Suggested size 4-6 members
- Accountability and growth within a community of like-minded ministers.
- Access to resources available only to cohort members, including up to one year of monthly personal coaching.
- Coachable moments and collective learning within the group that can be addressed by both Christina and the other members.
- Ability to participate in ReFocus presenter platform as a local ReFocus coach.
“Thank you SO much! Stumbling upon Refocus and this series was such an answer to prayer!!! We are a quickly growing (super exciting), church in a small but quickly growing town in NZ and we are beginning to see disconnect as different ministry areas are scrambling to deal with this sudden growth. This intergenerational focus is just what we need to be intentionally addressing as we settle into a new look church life.”
– Nondenominational Church, New Zealand
ReConnect is a seminar for pastors and ministers interested in beginning to take steps to connect generations even before the faith community returns to the church building. A four-session workshop, ReConnect Webinar focuses on generational discipleship and connection for churches interested in exploring intergenerational ministry both in their church and in their homes.
Everyday Discipleship is a seminar for parents/caregivers who are home with their children and desire to be intentional in their faith formation influence. Everyday Discipleship offers parents/caregivers a message of encouragement, support, and nurture without having to add more to their already busy schedules.
When Family Ministry Doesn’t Work – Transitioning a ministry to a more family-focused approach can be difficult. You may be tempted to think it doesn’t work. But with the right tools, you can discover the kind of ministry that best fits your church, your families, and your community.
When Generations Collide – Including children in corporate worship is a new “hot spot” but can lead to intergenerational conflict if the church isn’t ready. Learn how to help transition your church culture and foster lasting meaningful relationships across the generations.
Practical Discipleship at Home: Easy Wins for Parents – Partnering with parents is the best way to ensure what is shared on Sunday gets talked about on Monday. Give your parents/caregivers some “easy wins” at home that will make faith formation and discipleship less scary and a lot more fun!
VBS for the Whole Family – Walt Disney figured it out and built a magic place that attracts millions every year. The secret? Families want to be together! This year, why not make your VBS a place for the whole family to grow and have fun together? Family VBS 101 starts here!
“Thanks again for the last 4 weeks. Lots to think about and pray in discernment in ministry here at our church now!” – Wesleyan Church, Michigan
Additional topics available for parent seminars including When Faith Comes Home, Transformational Homes, Social Media at Home and more. Volunteer trainings can be adapted based on context, curriculum and community.

Christina Embree
ReFocus Coach & Ministry Cohorts

Joy Brown
ReFocus Coach

Ryan Cagno
ReFocus Coach

Aria Rajnic - Schmitt
ReFocus Coach