There’s a lot of stuff going on in this world and in the church that can be discouraging. And because many of us love God and love our country and love the church, we tend to see these things and it burdens us. We write blog posts, have serious discussions, share our heart with those who will listen and carry the burden with us as we go.
I am one of those people.
My burdens for the world, the country, the church sometimes feel overwhelming. But God is so good and He always sends the right person with the right words to remind me… He’s got this. He truly does. And more than that, there are a LOT of really good things going on in the world and in the church. God is still at work. His body is still at work. There are many things we have to be grateful for and to encourage one another with as we follow Christ. And, like with many other things, for the sake of our children, it is good and necessary that we share those things as well! As it says in this blog post…
What if we started more conversations with “Here’s what’s right…”
What if we celebrated more? What if we affirmed each other more?
What if we took the time to point out the amazing things that are happening all around us every. single. day?
There’s HOPE to be had, there’s good to be noticed, and God is still at work in this world today.
I want to give my kids something to fight FOR, not just things to fight against.
I hope this is a good reminder for you today as well! Read on for more…